Cloth Cuts

For many years I was a victim of Domestic Violence. At my absolute lowest I created this painting. This particular day I headed to the beach and stared out at the ocean and thought of my daughter. I made the decision to leave it all behind. With only one small bag of clothes and $10 in my purse for a bus fare, we left. I created this because that was a day I will never forget. That day could have been my last but while staring out at those Calming Waters I made the right decision for us.

Once A Dreamer

Calming Waters

Product information


This fabric is made to order and ships in 4-6 weeks. Expect delivery within 7 - 9 weeks from the date of ordering.
Tile scale: 30cm x 44cm

Fabric Base


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How It Works

Step 1

Choose from thousands of prints from hundreds of artists. Or upload your own.

Step 2

Select from over 20 high-quality fabric bases, perfect for any project.

Step 3

Choose your length. Fabrics are 150cm wide. Wholesale discounts available.

Step 4

Each order is then custom printed just for you. Strict quality checks performed at every step.

Step 5

Your fabric order arrives in 7 - 9 weeks. Retail stock ships within 5 days.

Step 6

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