Cloth Cuts
The Digi Dame Graphic Designer
The Digi Dame Graphic Designer
The Digi Dame Graphic Designer
Hi, I’m Cassandra; aka The Digi Dame! I am so very excited to be joining the artist marketplace at Cloth Cuts! I’m a brand designer from Western Sydney who loves bold, joyful design with loads of colour. My design style is colourful and abstract with an imperfect hand-drawn feel. I’m inspired by the colours, textures and diversity of the Australian landscape and Aussie icons. With a background in graphic design, I’m a recent convert to surface pattern design and I’m loving it. I’m a wife and mother of two and when I’m not designing, I’m a total geek-girl who enjoys being immersed in the world of Harry Potter and as a Hobbit at heart, would move to the Shire in a hearbeat! Oh, and one last thing about me? I work better with cake!


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