Cloth Cuts

Bowl Covers

Sew Along With Us

Another quick, easy and super simple tutorial – the bowl cover. These are a great alternative to cling wrap, reusable, colourful and let’s face it – easier to use than cling wrap. AND it’s also a great scrap buster to use up any PUL you might have.

What you will need: – PUL (50cm x 50cm) – Matching Thread – Rope – Toggle

How To: 1) First you will need to find the bowl you would like to cover. I used a mixing bowl for mine. Then you will need to find a larger round object (dinner plate, larger bowl etc) This will allow for the rope channel to be included without going into the bowl circumference area.

2) Trace around the larger round object onto your two pieces of PUL (I used a plain black PUL and printed PUL, but you can use printed on both sides too)

3) Cut around 1 of the circles. Place this circle on top of the other piece of PUL and cut roughly around it. Make sure the shiny/plastic sides are together with the printed/good sides of the fabric facing out.

4) Overlock around the edges of the circle, joining the two circles together. Finish the overlocker tail.

5) Leaving at least a 2cm gap, straight stitch on the inside of the circle edge. This will create the cord channel

6) Cut a hole/cross-section into just the top PUL layer

7) Feed the rope through this hole and all the way through the channel and back out the same hole. Pull the rope so that it is long enough to tie a knot in it later.

Hint: If you wrap sticky tape around the end of your rope this will prevent fraying. It’s also a good idea to wrap the tape around the rope BEFORE you cut it and simply cut in the middle of the taped section.

8) Feed the rope ends inside the toggle and knot them once through.

9) Your bowl cover is now complete, enjoy using it as an alternative to cling wrap and adding some colour to your kitchen

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