Cloth Cuts

Toweling Hair Wrap

Sew Along With Us

No doubt you've seen these microfibre hair wraps everywhere. Including the infomercials they used to be a part of. Well, as much as I loved the idea of them, I have a weird sensory issue with touching microfibre cloths, and the thought of wrapping my hair up in them sent shivers down my spine. But when we were introduced to our Poly Toweling, well, I was pleasantly surprised that I didn't get that same 'ick' feeling when touching it. And at that moment, I knew I had to make a hair wrap!

What you'll need - Poly toweling fabric - bias binding - 1 large button

Download and print the pattern here:

How to make it:

Print, cut and tape together the free pattern above

Overlock (if you don't have one you can try pinking shears, otherwise persevere through the pain of the never ending fluff fall) the long straight edges

With the right sides together, you will need to overlock/sew the arched edge.

With your bias binding, open it up so that the right sides of it and the hair wrap are together. Sew that in place close to the edge of the toweling

Fold the bias over so that all raw edges are tucked away, sew in place

With a additional piece of bias binding, sew it down on itself to create a closed piece. Fold in half and sew it onto the skinny end of the hair wrap (this will be the bit you loop over the button when in use) Finally add the button to the big end of the hair wrap

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