Cloth Cuts

Tamsin Smyth

Meet the Artist

Ever wanted to know more about the talent behind our prints? Come sit down with us as we chat with the artists, and learn more about them and their day-to-day life.

Tell us a bit about yourself

I am creatively obsessed and have managed to work as an artist for my whole life. Colour is definitely what makes my heart sing, and sometimes I lose myself for hours in the creative process the same way musicians do when they play music. I lived for many years in Scotland until i began craving the smells and colours of Australia again, and so I moved to Northern New South Wales where I met my person, who I have been with since 1999. I need to be in tranquil places as often as I can, and living in the bush I feel connected to a simpler way of life that suits my rhythm. Life is a river, so go with the flow...

How long have you been creating your art?

I have been creating art for myself my entire life, and worked as an illustrator for much of my career. It's only in the last 3 years that I have focused on surface pattern design.

Where do you draw inspiration from?

The natural world for sure, the colours and shapes of flowers and plants, abstract art, folk art, and sometimes from dreams!

What's the most exciting thing you've seen your art on?

Television! I was the senior artist on the animated kids TV show, Dirtgirlworld.

What is your favourite art style at the moment?

I am definitely favouring a kind of vintage sixites and seventies aesthetic at the moment.

When you're not creating, what do you get up to?

I seem to never be not creating! But living on a river, in the summertime, I am sometimes just floating downstream in the sunshine!

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